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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Easy way to purify gold

Purifying gold back to 24ct purity is very important , as no jewellery can be manufacture without purifying gold jewellery back to 100% pure gold.

There are a lot of methods to purify gold . But most easy way to purify gold jewellery is with the help of pure silver .

So let's start the procedure to purify gold jewellery back to 100% purity with these steps :-

Step 1 :- Melt scrap gold jewellery in a single piece as easy to apply all upcoming procedure.

Step 2 :- Weight the impure gold piece which you melted into a single piece and note is down.

Step 3 :- Weight 100% pure silver just double the impure gold.
 E.g. :- If impure gold is 1gm than pure silver is 2gms

Step 4 :- Keep the both impure gold and silver (double the weight of impure gold) in a furnace and melt it down.

Step 5 :- Get the molten metal mix and start draining in a bucket full of water slowly  Or  You can also press the mix metal of gold and silver in thin sheet and cut into small pieces . (This step is done to decrease the time taken in the next step 6)

Step 6 :- Collect all pieces of the mix alloy of impure gold and silver into a steel vessel or a beaker and put conc. Nitric acid(HNO3) and heat it slowly .. Blue fumes arises (harmful to breath). Change the acid when fumes slow down. This process (change of acid again and again) is repeated again and again. When blue fumes stop after changing the acid , stop heating.

Step 7 :- The residue left in the vessel is 100% pure gold. Wash it again and again. And at last boil it with clean water.

Step 8 :- Drain out all the water. Gold powder left. Dry that powder on low heat and collect it and melt it into small brick of pure 100% gold.

Ask any problems and comment how you done it